Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mr and Mrs Noah take the animals to the vet

We want to share a little story with you...

Once upon a time, a very nice couple who loved all kinds of animals (Mr & Mrs Noah) took pity on a small and helpless little kitten that came their way. They took her in, gave her a warm home and lots of loving care. They even gave her her own identity by giving her a name...Sidney. This story tells of how she repaid their love and devotion.

One day, it was time for Mr and Mrs Noah's animals to visit the vet for their vaccinations so they could go out into the big, wide world! It was easy to decide how the puppy, Mango, should travel - in the back, behind a dog guard. The problem was how to get Sid to the vet without a cat travel box. Ummh!

Let's put her in the old dog air transport crate that we have," said Mr Noah. "You know, the one with the wire front and small air holes in the back."

"Mmm, maybe!" Said Mrs Noah!

"It will be fine!" Said Mr Noah! Stupidly!

So, off they all set in the car, on the long road to the vet. Mr Noah, Mrs Noah, Mango and Sid!

As they got nearer the town, Mrs Noah looked behind her and suddenly cried out, "Sidney's trying to get out!"

"She'll be fine!" Said Mr Noah! Stupidly!

A few minutes later, Mrs Noah shouted, "Stop the car! Sidney has got her head stuck!"

Mr Noah thought he had better check and reached behind him! Surprisingly, (to Mr Noah) he felt Sidney's head in his hand! He glanced back and, lo and behold, saw that little old Sidney had her head well and truly jammed in one of the air holes! "Oh dear, what a silly little kitten" said Mr Noah. "I'll just stop this car on the busy road and we'll have her back inside in a jiffy!"

So he pushed, and he pulled, and he twisted (her little head) but Sidney was stuck fast with her little legs dangling off the bottom of the box! No amount of pulling, pushing, twisting or swearing (Mr Noah) would get Sidney's little head back inside.

So, out of the car came the crate (with Sidney looking at the world from her new vantage point), on to the roadside verge with Mr and Mrs Noah wondering what to do next! Ahha, Mr Noah suddenly had a brilliant idea! "I have a Multi-Purpose Tool in the car" he said. "You know the type - the one that you get as a present and never, ever use! It has all sorts of "things" attached to it. I even think it has a saw on it!" So, he dug it out and, yes it did have a saw on it! And Mr Noah set about sawing Sidney's head free!

What a sight for all the passing motorists! There he was, sawing away at the box next to the kitten's head, kneeling down on the road (muttering and swearing), with Mrs Noah gamely hanging on to Sidney so she didn't hang herself or have her head sawn off, uttering soothing words of encouragement to the little kitten!

Lots of hacking later, with Sidney and Mrs Noah covered in sawdust, and Mr Noah covered in car fumes and road dust, Sidney was suddenly free! "Hooray," they both sighed, "She's free - and alive!" And they laughed out loud at the frisky little kitten's exploitations! Mango, the puppy, barked with excitement too! His little sister was safe!

They all bundled back into the car, this time with little Sidney wrapped in her favourite "blanket", Mrs Noah's jacket, and continued their journey to the vet.

But that's a completely different story everyone, as Sidney really didn't like the vet!

p.s. Have you ever noticed the black cross on Sidney's forehead before?!

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